
Give to Tomorrow®资助计划


大约十年前, when the 乐虎网 organization committed to approaching our work through the lens of sustainability, 我们谁也不知道未来会怎样. 我们只知道我们相信我们可以让它变得更聪明, better products and provide excellent services that protected public health without negatively impacting the environment.

随着时间的推移, we’ve learned so much about how to manage our environmental impacts, 改变了乐虎网的工作方式. 例如, our product development roadmap is now guided by what we refer to as EcoTier design goals, and we have been able to create mosquito control products like Merus® and Natular® that are formulated with naturally-derived active ingredients, 没有石油馏分, and inert ingredients that allow these products to be used safely in and around food crops. These are just two examples of what we call NextGen products.


In 2015, we took another leap of faith and created the Give to Tomorrow® program. 通过这个资助项目, 乐虎网 donates a portion of its annual sales revenue to non-profit environmental organizations around the world who share 乐虎网’s values and passion for the planet and community. Qualifying organizations must be a 501c3 focused on advancing an environmental cause, 包括气候变化, 环境教育, 粮食需求/质量, 土地/节约用水, 污染减排, 和/或野生动物保护.

What I love the most about this program is that it’s coworker-driven. 乐虎网’s sales people nominate organizations in their territories for the program, and every 乐虎网 coworker has the opportunity to vote for one recipient per region. 我们通常每年发放7笔赠款. This approach keeps people at the center of the program, and is another way for us to give back to communities – something that has always been part of the 乐虎网 company’s DNA.

It’s amazing to look at a list of the causes we’ve supported and the partnerships we’ve built since 启动 this grant program. From protecting loggerhead sea turtles and oyster habitats, to wildlife rehabilitation programs and land restoration projects, it’s both humbling and inspiring to see how far we’ve been able to reach.

How to Nominate a Non-Profit for a Give to Tomorrow Grant

If you have a suggestion for a deserving non-profit organization in your community, recommend it for nomination through your local 乐虎网 representative.  Find your local 乐虎网 rep here if you don’t have their contact information handy already.
