
乐虎网 Operations: The Impact of PCR Lab Capabilities on Control and Application Decisions


While mosquito-borne diseases threaten human health worldwide, implementing an 蚊患综合管理系统 能在很大程度上减轻这些风险吗. 在IMM网络内, the surveillance lever acts explicitly as a predecessor to larval or adult control measures and includes practices such as:

– Monitoring birds, equine, and other incubators for mortality and virus exposure
– And most importantly, tracking mosquito populations and testing them for viruses

这些活动可以帮助专业人士确定是否, 当, 在哪里, and how much of their other IMM functions are needed to manage mosquito populations – to act before viruses spread to human populations.

乐虎网的行动部门, 总部设在罗塞尔, 伊利诺斯州, is a leading provider of mosquito control services across the United States. To help increase their efficiency and ability to monitor their service area’s mosquito populations effectively – and thus better protect their health – their operations team opted to introduce PCR lab testing of collected mosquitoes to shorten and make more accurate the virus testing portion of the surveillance process.

在本文中, 区域监察经理, 劳伦·拉维齐, will discuss 乐虎网’s PCR lab capabilities and their impact on control and application decisions.

Before: The Traditional Testing Process with Third-Party Verification

乐虎网’s operation division has performed mosquito testing for viruses for several years as part of their IMM strategy. 然而, 直到2020年, they utilized traditional testing methods comprised of RAMP testing of surveyed samples for initial results. These were then sent to a third-party lab for final confirmation via PCR testing. 总之, 这一过程可能需要长达两周的时间才能完成, confirmed results – a long time for delays in notifications or control 当 there was potential for hazardous viruses in the community.

乐虎网 determined to forgo the initial RAMP testing and bring the PCR testing in-house to improve and make this process more efficient. Doing so allowed them to have complete control over their testing process and to receive results more quickly.


PCR testing is a highly sensitive method of detecting the genetic material of a pathogen, 在这种情况下, 蚊子传播的病毒. PCR过程包括从样本中提取遗传物质, 比如蚊子池或血液样本, 并将其放大到可检测的水平. The amplified material is then analyzed to determine the presence or absence of the target pathogen.

Challenges, Setbacks and Learning Opportunities in Setting Up PCR Lab Capabilities


Implementing a PCR lab that was completely operational within 乐虎网’s facilities necessitated purchasing a range of equipment, 包括:

-洗样品用的Kingfisher Flex
- Qstudio 5用于运行PCR板
-标准设备,如移液器, 漩涡, 离心机, 和PCR工作站, 在准备区域复制以防止污染

With the use of this equipment and the heightened capabilities they provided, 乐虎网的内部实验室可以运行多达90个96孔板. 这完全符合团队的高吞吐量目标.


该团队在2020年初购买了所需的设备之后, the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted 乐虎网’s in-person training plans before the launch of the in-house PCR lab. 幸运的是, 监视小组迅速转向, adapting to a successful one-on-one virtual training process that allowed them to set up a safe and efficient PCR lab.


仍然, 由于这一流行病及其影响持续到第二年, supply chain delays and staffing hurdles posed challenges for 乐虎网 Operations during the 2021 season. 然而, the organization was able to mitigate these challenges by running full plates, 尽量减少不必要的供应使用, 进行定期盘存, ordering supplies ahead of time and prioritizing staffing responsibilities.


乐虎网’s surveillance team currently traps and tests around 3000 samples from five states each season. 视需求而定, they run 90 to 360 tests per week and can have results within 24 to 48 hours of receiving samples. 这个实验室每周最多能做四个盘子, with each plate taking 4 to 6 hours to complete depending on the individual performing the pipette work.

After: The Impact of PCR Lab Capabilities on Control and Application Decisions

The in-house PCR lab capabilities have allowed 乐虎网’s operations and surveillance team to have complete control over their testing process, vastly improving the efficiency and accuracy of their mosquito surveillance program. 除了, 与更快的周转时间的结果, 乐虎网’s operations teams can notify communities and internal staff of virus presence more quickly and confidently, 根据需要设置其他IMM控制功能. 在蚊媒病毒爆发期间,这种及时性至关重要, 在哪些方面早期信息有助于预防病毒的传播.

最终, investments such as these lead to more effective mosquito control efforts and overall improved public health.

Have any questions about our operational and surveillance teams’ practices? 给我们留言吧,我们很想聊一聊!


保护. 节约. 与乐虎网一起控制.

Find out what a sustainable mosquito control program looks like for your community.



At 乐虎网, we’re dedicated to being good stewards and serving our communities. 每年, 我们有一个爱心日, 我们在全国各地的办事处都关闭了吗, 我们的200多名团队成员花了一天的时间做志愿者……

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